Why Are Politics So Divisive?

Politics has always been a divisive topic. Whether it’s between political parties or within a party, people often find themselves on opposite sides of the spectrum. While some may argue that politics are inherently divisive, many factors contribute to the divisiveness of politics. In this article, we will explore the reasons why politics are so divisive and how it affects us as individuals and as a society.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Historical Background
  3. Partisanship
  4. Identity Politics
  5. Ideological Differences
  6. Media Polarization
  7. Social Media
  8. The Influence of Money
  9. The Echo Chamber Effect
  10. The Role of Fear
  11. The Need for Validation
  12. The Desire for Power
  13. Lack of Empathy
  14. The Consequences of Division
  15. Conclusion
  16. FAQs


In recent years, the world has become increasingly polarized. People seem to be more divided than ever before, especially when it comes to politics. Political divisions can be found in almost every aspect of our lives, from social media to family gatherings. It begs the question: Why are politics so divisive?

Historical Background

The history of politics has always been characterized by conflict and division. From the earliest forms of government to modern democracies, political divisions have existed. In the United States, for example, political divisions have existed since the founding of the country. The Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republican Party were two of the earliest political parties in the US, and they were characterized by their differences in ideology and policy.


Partisanship is one of the main reasons why politics are so divisive. People tend to identify with a particular political party or ideology, and they often view people who don’t share their views as the enemy. This can lead to a lack of understanding and empathy towards those with different views.

Identity Politics

Identity politics is another factor that contributes to the divisiveness of politics. People tend to identify with certain groups based on their race, gender, sexuality, or religion, and they often view those who don’t belong to those groups as the enemy. This can lead to a lack of empathy and understanding towards those with different identities.

Ideological Differences

Ideological differences are another reason why politics are so divisive. People have different views on how society should be structured, and these differences can lead to conflict and division. For example, some people believe in a free-market economy, while others believe in a more regulated economy.

Media Polarization

Media polarization is another factor that contributes to the divisiveness of politics. News outlets tend to cater to a particular audience, and they often report news in a way that reinforces their audience’s beliefs. This can lead to a lack of understanding and empathy towards those with different views.

Social Media

Social media has played a significant role in the divisiveness of politics. People tend to surround themselves with like-minded individuals on social media, and they often view those with different views as the enemy. This can lead to a lack of understanding and empathy towards those with different views.

The Influence of Money

Money plays a significant role in politics, and it can lead to divisiveness. Wealthy individuals and corporations often use their resources to influence political outcomes in their favor. This can lead to a lack of trust in the political process and a feeling of powerlessness among the general public.

The Echo Chamber Effect

The echo chamber effect is a phenomenon where people surround themselves with like-minded individuals and information. This can lead to a lack of exposure to different views and a lack of understanding and empathy towards those with different views.

The Role of Fear

Fear is another factor that contributes to the divisiveness of politics. Politicians often use fear as a tactic to mobilize their base and gain support. They may use fear to convince people that certain groups are a threat to their way of life, which can lead to a lack of empathy and understanding towards those groups.

The Need for Validation

The need for validation is another reason why politics are so divisive. People often seek validation for their beliefs and opinions, and they may view those with different views as a threat to their validation. This can lead to a lack of understanding and empathy towards those with different views.

The Desire for Power

The desire for power is another factor that contributes to the divisiveness of politics. Politicians and political parties often seek to gain and maintain power, and they may do so at the expense of others. This can lead to a lack of trust in the political process and a feeling of powerlessness among the general public.

Lack of Empathy

Lack of empathy is a major factor that contributes to the divisiveness of politics. People often have a hard time understanding and empathizing with those who have different beliefs and opinions. This can lead to a lack of cooperation and compromise, which can further exacerbate political divisions.

The Consequences of Division

The consequences of political division are significant. Political divisions can lead to a lack of cooperation and compromise, which can hinder progress and prevent solutions to important issues. Political divisions can also lead to animosity and hostility between individuals and groups, which can lead to violence and conflict.


Politics are inherently divisive, but there are many factors that contribute to this divisiveness. Partisanship, identity politics, ideological differences, media polarization, social media, the influence of money, the echo chamber effect, fear, the need for validation, the desire for power, and lack of empathy are all contributing factors. To overcome political division, we must work to understand and empathize with those who have different beliefs and opinions.


  1. What is partisanship, and how does it contribute to political division?

Partisanship is the identification with a particular political party or ideology. It contributes to political division by creating an us vs. them mentality, which can lead to a lack of understanding and empathy towards those with different views.

  1. What is the echo chamber effect, and how does it contribute to political division?

The echo chamber effect is a phenomenon where people surround themselves with like-minded individuals and information. It contributes to political division by limiting exposure to different views and perspectives, which can lead to a lack of understanding and empathy towards those with different views.

  1. How does the desire for power contribute to political division?

The desire for power can lead politicians and political parties to prioritize their own interests over the interests of the general public. This can lead to a lack of trust in the political process and a feeling of powerlessness among the general public, which can further exacerbate political divisions.

  1. What are the consequences of political division?

Political division can lead to a lack of cooperation and compromise, which can hinder progress and prevent solutions to important issues. It can also lead to animosity and hostility between individuals and groups, which can lead to violence and conflict.

  1. How can we overcome political division?

To overcome political division, we must work to understand and empathize with those who have different beliefs and opinions. We must also seek out diverse perspectives and be open to compromise and cooperation. Finally, we must hold our political leaders accountable and demand transparency and honesty in the political process.